Monday, July 13, 2009

Bill O Riely....

Where do I start? This man is pretty much a joke, I mean aside from working on Faux News. In between his racist comments and childish behavior on-air why does he get his own show? Essentially he is a fire and brimstone preacher for the church of the far right that's why. He isn't there to actually debate he is there to preach to the choir of shotgun toting Nascar fans about the evils of the left. Though he denies being a republican that doesn't make it true. I can say I'm not gay but that doesn't make the buttsex straight. If you go right on almost every single issue then that makes you a republican. This in the closet righty doesn't deserve to be allowed access to anything more than a pen and paper much less Faux News.

Heres a link of Bill getting owned on his own show

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